SiCBraz Family DE

SiCBraz Family

Silicon Carbide Generator for Brazing Applications

The SiCBraz Family

The SiCBraz family of power supplies corresponds to a range of Induction Heat Treatment Units (HTU) covering power levels up to 50 kW, frequencies in the range 10 to 50 kHz and 200% overcurrent capability for load matching or 10 minutes maximum, for brazing and soldering applications.

SiCMobi Cabinet

SiCBraz brazing and soldering generators are based on the ultimate power electronics technologies as Silicon Carbide (SiC) MOS Transistors, ultrafast high isolation circuitry and advanced transistor driving circuits and fully digital controller all integrated in a PCB, allowing an overall efficiency higher than 98% @ 40 kHz (inductor losses not included) and consequently very small and compact chillers.

SiCBraz family has two cabinet options the Mobi Cabinet and the Wall Cabinet.

SiCBraz is designed with two isolation transformers between mains and the inductor in order to increase the user’s safety.

SiCBraz generators are very small and lightly heat treatment units including in a single cabinet the power section, as well as the resonant capacitor bank and can be placed in a table as well as in a mobile unit. The output can be connected to a conventional or coaxial reactive matching transformer for load adaptation.

SiCBraz generators units can handle two different power outputs completely independent each other with working possibilities at different power and frequencies at the same time.

SiCBraz generators are very simple to operate as the control features simplifies the operation of the inverter and the HMI guides the user with very simple instructions to operate the machine.

Load matching in SiCBraz generators is very simple task as the inverter has 200% overcurrent capacity making that every workpiece can be heated with the same inductor and due to their special design, these generators can provide 200% intermittent power with a duty cycle of 50%.

SiCMobi Cabinet


  • Wide Range of applications with the same generator.
  • Extremely high efficiency.
  • Very small size and weight.
  • Very high robustness due to the use of SiC MOS Transistors.
  • Very easy use of the generator due to the use of advanced algorithms that auto-adjust the generator depending on the required heating process.

The SiCBraz Family Features & Subsystems

SiCBraz heat treatment units ranges power from 12,5 to 50 kW. The supply voltage is 400 VAC ± 10 % and the system is water cooled. As standard, SiCBraz Family include the Siemens PLC with communication capabilities via industrial buses like Profinet, Modbus, Ethernet etc. SiCBraz HMI options are a Siemens PLC and pyrometric control.

The SiCBraz family is based on the 25, 50 and 100 kW SiCtech MF power modules that include in a PCB, a plug-able FPGA controller as well as the power section and a water cooled heatsink that features all the requirements needed in an induction heating application.

SiCBraz untis can be integrated in any brazing machine as well as a mobile unit due to its small size and weight. The heating station can be a conventional tapped transformer, for extreme load variation adjustment in standby applications or a handheld coaxial transformer for mobile applications (LT…k50).

A highly interactive and comprehensible HMI guides the user in any interaction with the generator as the starting up, the temperature cycle programming, the resonant frequency selection by the autotuning function, the matching of the load etc. and provides information on the status and working conditions of the generator at any time.


  • Up to 50 kW Continuous Power
  • 10 – 50 kHz
  • Up to 2 independent power ports
  • Connection to the heating station up to 10 m.
  • Programmable heating segments
  • 200% overcurrent capability for load matching
  • 200% intermittent power

Need further infomation?

Our team is looking forward to hear about you. We are willing to know your needs in order to help you in every aspect related to induction.

Do not hesitate to contact us.